Optimizing for Artificial Intelligence

SEO is evolving rapidly.  With the introduction of ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, Copilot, META AI and so many more it is hard to keep up.

Google & Bing in particular are at war, with both each other and newer search engines like Perplexity.ai.  With the introduction of AI Overviews and Co-Pilot 'helpers', the way people interact with search engines themselves is changing - albeit not as quickly because people are so used to "Googling it".

We were invited into one of the first Gen AI beta's just after Google I/O in May 2023.  Since then, we have continued to learn what works, what is trying to work, and what doesn't for specific targets and usability.

Google recognizes this as well, as they 'pull back' on beta's sometimes in their quest for market share - while keeping the dollars coming in with Google Ads.

The goal is to ensure prospects land on the right pages, based upon their stage of the buying cycle.  

This sometimes proves to be extraordinarily difficult and is often overlooked.  FixClicks understands the message needs to match the content in order to satisfy prospects that ultimately convert and turn into satisfied consumers.ic52 20x

Our AI Services Include: 

  • Finding and correcting AI Hallucinations for your organization - a KEY WIN that most agencies have yet to offer, mainly because they do not know how to do it.
  • Keyword phrases for Gen AI targets vs. Legacy Targets
  • User engagement for primary and secondary pages
  • Corporate branding power, initiatives and goals
  • Current visibility for discontinued product lines and services
  • Competitive research for message testing and placement
  • Researching significant historical events and product launches
  • Unusual traffic spikes for specific lead gen pages 
  • Homepage and navigation paths to converting pages

FixClicks is dedicated to ensuring the right prospects land on the right pages to keep the interactions active and recurring with your target market.  Contact us to learn more.